How To Print Recharge Card Online In Nigeria

Have you been attempting to launch a successful recharge card printing business in Nigeria but haven’t had much luck? Do you want to learn how you can print recharge card online in Nigeria today?

If so, I’m happy to inform you that you’ve found the long-lasting answer you’ve been seeking all these days. However, please read this update until the very end.

How To Start Recharge Card Printing Business In Nigeria.

Let’s get right to the important part of the day’s agenda without wasting much of your time. You should understand that the billions of naira recharge card industry are a numbers game.

The only advice I have for you is to make sure you pay close attention to everything you learn on this page in order to create and lead the sort of life you have always imagined. You have made the correct choice by coming to this page today.

You must admit that the number of GSM users is close to 200 million and continues to rise. Despite the potential for millions of naira to be made in the GSM-telecom sector, “some individuals” are still unable to support themselves. I have seen that many individuals are still choosing not to invest in this company despite the fact that the necessary knowledge on how to start this business is widely available in manuals, CDs, software, or VCD bundles.

What causes this? I did my study on this for three reasons:

1. Instead of using what they read, people tend to trash it and start telling tales.

2. People who wanted to establish a business but couldn’t afford the N400,000 startup capital

3. Those who began, however, found they were unable to generate the necessary revenue.

The final group above, “those who nonetheless began but could not earn the money,” is the basis of this sobering information.

They can never get the “return of their investments,” as opposed to the “return on investments.” The eternal reality that business is a game of numbers still holds true.

The likelihood of success increases with the size of your target market.


Let me address our novice. Welcome to my blog if you are reading this material for the first time or are learning it at this level of depth.

This is your introduction. Before this, GSM service providers MTN, AirTel, 9Mobile, and Globacom imported these cards from outside after having them produced. However, the government was able to halt it by mandating that all GSM service providers print their prepaid calling cards in Nigeria. As a result, this gave Nigerian agents, distributors, retailers, and consumers new financial prospects.

How can you take advantage of this chance and start printing recharge card online in Nigeria today?

Printing Recharge cards in Nigeria may be produced in one of four ways: via a dealership, a sub-dealership, or small-scale printing or through automated service.

Mega GSM Reloadable Cards Dealership: The investor and the service providers have entered into a dealership or agency agreement. It is the most profitable and fulfilling, but it also needs a lot of startup money (5,000,000.00 Naira).

Sub-Dealership/Distributorship: Depending on the dealer, this arrangement may be connected to individuals who are distributors. It is intended for those who may not have the necessary funds to work directly for a network service provider. You may become a sub-dealer with a start-up capital requirement of N1,000,000.00.

Small-Scale Recharge (Recharge Card Printing): You may start this business with N100,000 and earn a ton of money.

Depending on the firm you join up with, there are two ways you may start producing recharge coupons on a modest scale:

1. Internet printing may be used to get started.

2. You may begin printing using a franchise company’s voucher printer.

Let’s get down to the details now. The two methods for printing recharge cards are as follows:

1. With a computer, printer, software, and an Internet connection.

2. Lacking electricity, software, a computer, a printer, or a connection to the Internet.

You’ll need the following to launch this recharge card printing  business:

  1. 1. A laptop or desktop computer.

2. Use of the Internet

3. Program for printing.

4. Printer

PINs for recharge

If you don’t have a computer of your own, another option is to visit a cyber café.

However, if you don’t want to use a cyber café, you must use a laptop and install the printing software needed to print the recharge PINs on it.

Steps To Print Recharge Card Online In Nigeria

1. Connect your computer to the Internet, or just visit a cyber café.

2. Sign up with a business (I will tell you this later).

3. Install their program on your computer after downloading it.

4. Use their website to order recharge PINs, then transfer the necessary funds into their bank statement

5. Send them your payment information, such as your name, email address, preferred network, and teller information.

6. They will provide you with encrypted PINs, which are only readable or understandable by the software of the firm).

7. Print these PINs using the program on your PC.

Did you understand what I said? If so, you’ll agree with me that you still have information to learn.

Steps for Starting Recharge Card Printing a Business With or Without the Use of Software, a Computer, a Printer, an Internet Connection, or Electricity


However, be sure to read this post through to the end to learn how to find dealers and distributors in your state or any other state(s) you wish to visit for training and to buy E-PIN or printed recharge cards cheaply to be sold for profit for you for practically nothing.

Let’s move on to the beginner’s information though before I reveal how you will be able to access them:

I want you to pay close attention to the following reasons why individuals who started out failed to succeed financially: poor marketing techniques and lack of leadership abilities.

Any successful firm relies on marketing as its “livewire.” The ability to invest money and produce enough vouchers is insufficient. You may print vouchers for N100,000.00 right now and yet not have any money.

What’s the purpose? You need to develop your leadership and marketing abilities. While marketing focuses on gaining prospective consumers, leadership is all about influencing and maintaining relationships with your customers.

What marketing skills are useful in the recharge card printing business?

I’d like to offer some advice to you that will ensure you make at least N200,000 every month.

You may not be aware of this, but all the major dealers purchase vouchers from the network providers in Nigeria

Create a simple form with names, phone numbers, addresses, and other information and distribute it as far as you can, on every street and meter away from your home. Any operator/agents you encounter should be informed that you wish to do business with them.

Also, provide them with whatever advantages you can. Give the form to the individual and ask them to fill it out to see how many vouchers they may purchase per day or per week. Make sure you maintain contact with the individual as you go.

Turn around. They are around; be courteous to them and even consider offering to provide credit to them. Be brave; taking risks is an essential part of the business.

Once you have gathered as many connections as possible—say, let’s say at least 50 boot operators, or even those who sell from their homes or in their stores—you should use them. Create a database of the contact information on any device—a computer, a notepad, etc.

… To send SMS for less, get bulk SMS credits from any reseller.

With their help, you can begin to develop a relationship. Your ability as a leader will be put to use in this situation.

Let me let you in on a little secret.

Individual relationships are now of utmost importance in this region of the globe where people no longer feel a sense of community. People value personal relationships as a result. Always send them pleasantries and other messages you believe will touch their emotions. Always provide stock information for gift cards.

You can figure out the profit on your own. Just one day out of fifty is all that how about 100, 200, or 300 individuals? Don’t claim it is not possible. It is. Calculate the cost over a month.

Do you know that customers who purchase recharge cards from dealers sometimes drive great distances or even use OKAdas to get there?

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could deliver it to them when they needed it? They aspire to this. People prefer easy and convenient stuff.

Now, here is the main deal.

How To Start Recharge Card Printing Business In Nigeria, and Print Recharge Card Online

First of all, do you know that you don’t need to have any or buy software, a big printing machine or register your business before you start printing recharge cards in Nigeria and selling to customers and making your own personal money?

Now, that you have read this post to this point, here is what you can do with online automated recharge card service, has for you.

First step: Open the website, click on the register button and fill in your information.

Second step: Fund your account with at least N10,000, then upgrade to the agent/reseller level.

Third step: Navigate the recharge card button inside your account, select the network you want to print, put the required amount of pins you want to print and click on generate recharge card. Once the system finished processing your request after putting in your default pin (1234), your recharge card will now be printed out.

The video below will show you how to use your phone to print recharge card online in Nigeria using service.

Watch the video to discover how you can start a recharge card printing business in Nigeria today.

After you are done watching this video, click the link below to register with to start the recharge card printing business.

Register here >>

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